April 2021 I had the great honour to meet and chat with an amazing man who had just turned 104. Hormidas Fredette served with the Canadian Army during WW2 and was taken prisoner by the Japanese after the fall of Hong Kong. The stories that he told me are the things that Hollywood movies are made of. When I was about to leave he asked if I would come back again when he turned 105 for another visit. So a gentlemen's agreement was made and I said on one condition and that was he held up his side of that deal. Today Mr. Fredette turned 105 and once again I made the trip to New Minas to complete our deal. He looked and acted the same as he had one year earlier and told me more of his stories. I presented him with a Royal Canadian Legion blanket that was provided by Branch 24 in Bridgewater with thanks for his service. Once again before I left his home we rekindled our deal to get together again on April 11 2023 and it was closed with a handshake but this time he gave me a wink and a smile as I left. Mr. Fredette, I salute you sir!